One afternoon at a cafe nearby…

In today’s posting I’d like to share a painting of people in their everyday activities. In this case…I’d like to capture a very ordinary activity that’s been an important part in people’s everyday lives…such as going to a cafe. Who doesn’t go to a cafe regularly these days? Who doesn’t love their soy latte or Frappuccino to refresh their day?

What I love about this captured moment is that, contrary to the popular myth today, everybody in this cafe seemed to be engaged in a lively conversation with their friends. And not one who looks down to their mobile phones…:):). So…there is hope after all! Haha…

Inspired by Klimt’s gold

I am having an abstract moment…well I hope I’m right to call the painting that I post today an abstract…:)…:)

I got the inspiration from looking at many of Klimt’s paintings and absolutely in awe in how he used the gold color in his paintings. 

By the way…can you still see the original photo from where the painting that I post today is based? Can you guess what the original photo is? ☺☺

Stylishly cool in Pop Art

Once upon a time…there were  ugly Campbell soup cans and boring bottles of Coke suddenly became the symbol of cool after Andy Warhol transformed them into art.  In the spirit of Warhol style, here is another symbol of hip and coolness for the young people everywhere: the ubiquitous Converse sneakers.

Cafe by the beach

Yup…This is when I was soaking up the sun a while back, somewhere warm in a tropical island…sipping a cool ice tea while waiting for the sun to set.Sorry I hope it’s not too late to say that I would love to wish everyone a very happy New Year of 2017. May the coming new year brings us more blessings and happiness…:-D.

Out in the sea

Hello…hello…hi to you all…:-D. Wow my first post in 2017! This is one of the pics from my tropical island vacation where I had a chance to be on a very bumpy ride in a traditional boat. Whhoaaa…the waves were awesome! 

It’s soon to be Christmas

We are going to celebrate Christmas in a few days time. Yaaayy…*full of anticipation 😀 :-D. To mark this important day I’d like to share with all of you a very big….very blue…and very merry Christmas tree…complete with lots and lots of presents of course….that is many big hugs and kisses from me. Thank you soo much for your support. Have a very happy Christmas. Happy holiday. See you again next year…:-).

Last minute shopping

Christmas is only a few days away…but oh my gosh…are you really sure you don’t forget anything? Present for your granny…check. For your uncle…check. For your cousins…check. Hhmmm…yet you still feel that you miss something. 

Awww…didn’t you promise your cute little niece something special for her this Christmas? Gosh…how can you forget? Come on…go!! There’s  still time. You don’t  want to disappoint the sweet little girl…:):)👌👌💖💖

Love the colourful dots in this Pointillism style☺☺👍👍

After the rain

After the rain had gone you’re smiling again. Peeking out from behind the curtain you unzipped your rain coat and put down the umbrella. You’re back to your cheerful self. You may even started humming softly as you opened the door walking out embraced by the sunshine again. Okay…all good. Life’s good.

Pretty Paprika

Here is another still life painting of food. If Gaugain or Manet often painted fruits as their still life objects…well this time I’d like to try something new with….Paprika. Paprika comes in various beautiful colors that makes them perfect for this experimentation.

In this painting I tried to apply the Oil painting style. Love the raw and rough surface look that comes with this style.

The sea in white

Another painting of sunsets…only this time instead of using a lot of earthly tones I tried to experiment with cold colors such as white and gray. Sunsets in white? Why not? Well nothing is impossible in a painting don’t you think?

To get this grayish effect I tried to apply the painting style called Ukiyo-e, which is a genre mostly flourished in Japan during 17th to 19th century. Cool, isn’t it ?